Cavalry 360° By NEON

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Cavalry 360° is a vast site specific musical instrument which uses the force of the wind to create the sound of the cavalry moving across Central Park. This mechanical installation will create a juxtaposition of noise and structure in an urban landscape with 32 wind turbines driving hundreds of mini beaters to generate an ever changing equine rhythm. The artwork is arranged in a circular form to allow people to step into the work and look out through framed views of the fort and landscape. The circular form creates an experience much like being in a room with a surround sound stereo system where the soundscape is constantly altering in direction and rhythm.

The emphasises is on the way the horse changed our ability to travel greater distances, and at greater speeds than ever before. Greenwich Peninsula played a huge part in the change in manufacture and design during the Industrial Revolution, Neon’s work echoes this past as we stand and listen to the sound of horses, which is not a part of our modern day experience.

Cavalry 360° was initially commissioned by English Heritage as part of the multi-partner Arts Council England-funded Hadrian’s Cavalry exhibition across the Roman wall.

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